SECTION I - Introduction
For all of those who have received the calling from God and have the will to respond in the most positive way, obtaining the ministerial license is the most correct avenue to begin this great undertaking of God in that it allows the new minister to begin his quest in accordance with church and/or denominational guidelines, the laws of the land, as well as the laws of God The Licensed Minister is an Intern Minister, an apprenticed Minister, and an official candidate for the Ordained Ministry.
The Holy Scriptures require that some trial be previously made of those who are to be ordained to the ministry of the gospel (see 1 Timothy 3), in order that this sacred office may not be degraded and that the Churches and General Association may have an opportunity to form a better judgment respecting the gifts of those by whom they are to be instructed. For this purpose candidates for ordination shall first be licensed to preach the gospel as Intern Ministers. After a period of internship sufficient to make trial of their qualifications and service, and having received reports that their services are edifying to those they serve, ordaining the interns may be in order.
The Ministers License is generally issued to lay persons who have the gift and ability to preach, teach, minister through music, etc., as defined by the organization that grants the license, and they serve under the guidance of a Mentor who is an Ordained Minister. Generally the license is called the Certificate of License for the Gospel Ministry, and has also been known as a "License to Preach" and as a "Lay Minister's License." Ordination is not necessary for a person granted a Ministers License to render acceptable service in public preaching, teaching or other ministry skills as need arises.
A Licensed Minister, under the guidance of a Mentor, is amendable to instruction, supervision and related discipline to assure growth in grace, knowledge and leadership skills. This allows the Licensed Minister the opportunity to receive the training to lead worship services, study groups, etc., and the ability to perform many of the functions of a full Ordained Minister. A Licensed Minister often fills the gap within a traditional Church by relieving the Senior Minister of trying to be in more than one place at a time.
The Licensed Minister has the option of passing the
problems that they are too inexperienced to handle to the seasoned Minster
without unduly upsetting the lay person by giving poor counseling. When in
doubt, the Licensed Minister will often suggest the problem be kicked upstairs
to allow themselves time to learn a more correct approach to coping with the lay
person's problem.
SECTION II - Licensing:
SECTION III - Reports:
On a periodic basis, the Licensed Minister will be required to submit a report of their ministerial activities and progress to their Mentor and the General Association. Some of the items that should be included in the report are: